
Incident management insights, guides, and product updates from Rootly

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Monitoring Your Platform From Multiple Locations

Monitoring Your Platform From Multiple Locations

SREs face multiple challenges while their platform becomes available in different locations on the globe. One step in overcoming them is building a solid monitoring system to enable that.

July 15, 2022
10 min read
Why More Incidents Are Better

Why More Incidents Are Better

Totally preventing all incidents is not only unrealistic. It’s actually undesirable in some respects.

Andre King

Andre King

June 30, 2022
4 min read
5 Tips If You’re the 1st SRE Hire by Instacart's First SRE

5 Tips If You’re the 1st SRE Hire by Instacart's First SRE

Best practices for “SRE pioneers” – meaning engineers who are the very first SREs hired at an organization.

Quentin Rousseau

Quentin Rousseau

May 27, 2022
5 min read
What SREs Can Learn from the Atlassian Nightmare Outage of 2022

What SREs Can Learn from the Atlassian Nightmare Outage of 2022

A look at the Atlassian outage of April 2022, and what it stands to teach Site Reliability Engineers. A lot to unpack here.

Weihan Li

Weihan Li

May 13, 2022
5 min read
Podcast: Break Things on Purpose with Gremlin | Building Rootly with JJ Tang

Podcast: Break Things on Purpose with Gremlin | Building Rootly with JJ Tang

Our co-founder JJ reflects on building the fastest-growing incident management platform and the surprising learnings.

JJ Tang

JJ Tang

April 24, 2022
9 min read
The Pros and Cons of Embedded SREs

The Pros and Cons of Embedded SREs

A comparison of the two main SRE team models: Embedded SREs vs. standalone SRE teams.

Quentin Rousseau

Quentin Rousseau

April 12, 2022
4 min read
SRE vs. Platform Engineering: The Key Differences, Explained

SRE vs. Platform Engineering: The Key Differences, Explained

An overview of the similarities and differences between Site Reliability Engineering and Platform Engineering, including from a career perspective.

JP Cheung

JP Cheung

March 29, 2022
4 min read
What Does AIOps Mean for SREs? It’s Complicated.

What Does AIOps Mean for SREs? It’s Complicated.

AIOps can bring some value to SREs, but it’s important to maintain healthy perspective about the limitations of AIOps.

JJ Tang

JJ Tang

March 11, 2022
4 min read
What SREs Can Learn from Capt. Sully: When to Follow Playbooks

What SREs Can Learn from Capt. Sully: When to Follow Playbooks

Does it always make sense to stick to your playbooks? There’s no clear answer, but it’s still something you should think about.

Andre King

Andre King

March 4, 2022
6 min read