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December 6, 2021


Making Incident Creation a Breeze

Making Incident Creation a Breeze

💨 Making Incident Creation a Breeze

Whenever customers adopt Rootly, our name quickly becomes synonymous with the easiest way to create incidents.

Today, we are making incident creation even easier by introducing a new slash command /incident on Slack.

  • /incident will function exactly the same as /rootly
  • Both slash commands can be used at the same time and interchangeably

Why did we do this? Although /rootly was great, many organizations that had a homegrown bot had already defaulted to using /incident.

Not only is it more intuitive, it also means less behavioural changes for our customers which is critical to adoption!

🌝 New & Improved

  • 🆕 Workflows for PagerDuty now support paging escalation policies in addition to schedules and individuals
  • 🆕 Customers who use VictorOps can now create Workflows to page
  • 🆕 Ability to pin more file formats to incident timeline
  • 🆕 Add events to incident timeline in Slack with /rootly timeline or /incident timeline command
  • 💅 Improved Web UI for action items so at a glance much easier to see what is open
  • 💅 Assigning users for action items are now ordered alphabetically
  • 💅 Integrations when configured prompt users to navigate to Workflows to complete their setup
  • 💅 Adding items to incident timeline from Web users can use Ctrl + Enter as a keyboard shortcut
  • 💅 Invested into additional monitoring for the Web platform and integrations
  • 💅 Relaxed rate limit requirements for bulk updates and configuration
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where PagerDuty did not page the Admin who originally configured it in Rootly
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where incident timeline occasionally displayed the incorrect date, one day in advance. Yes timezone is hard
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where occasionally Workflows did not trigger on incident update but did on incident creation
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🚨 New Alert Sources: Azure, CloudWatch, and Google Cloud

☎️ Live Call Routing

🤑 On-Call Pay Calculator

💓 Heartbeats: Continuous System Monitoring

🚨 Alert Grouping

🤓 Smart Defaults for Google Meet & Zoom

🧼 Redesigned Incident Announcement & Update Slack Blocks

💅 New Navigation Bar and Configuration UI

🥸 Sync On-Call Schedules with Slack User Groups

🕵️‍♀️ /rootly lookup: Find and Filter Recent Incidents in Slack

👯‍♀️ On-Call Shadowing

🔌 Generic Webhook Alert Source

🔒 Lock Individual Workflows

🐦‍⬛ Round Robin Escalation Policies

🚨 Alert Sources

🔔 Configurable On-Call Shift Reminders

🪄 Dynamic Forms

🔐 Granular Role-Based Access Control Settings for On-Call

✉️ Emails as an On-Call Alert Source

🗓️ View Multiple On-Call Schedules Together

🤝 Partial Shift Overrides in Rootly On-Call

🏗️ Terraform + API Support for Rootly On-Call

🦉 Rootly x Thena Integration

🎬 New Full Platform Tour on

🔦 Drop-down Search in Escalation Policy Builder