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December 14, 2021


Trigger Workflows Anytime

Trigger Workflows Anytime

⚙️ Trigger Workflows Anytime

We are excited to release the ability to manually trigger Workflows independently and at anytime!

Workflows are the best way to automate your incident response and process. However, they rely on incident conditions being met (e.g. Started, Severity, Team, etc.).

There are plenty of use cases where you might not know the incident conditions but may still want to rely on a Workflow automation.

You'll now be able to trigger Workflows from both Web and Slack.

  • Functions independent of incident conditions
  • New Slack command /incident workflow or click Run Workflow button
  • New Trigger Workflows option in incident tab on Web
  • Accessible by any Rootly user
  • Quickly rerun Workflows if necessary (e.g. fetch Datadog metric)

🌝 New & Improved

  • 🆕 Launched our first Whitepaper - The Ultimate Guide to SRE
  • 🆕 Auto-populate and search through Slack channels on Rootly, no more scrolling necessary
  • 🆕 Added rerun button next to any Workflows
  • 🆕 Notification sent to users whenever they are assigned an action item (Slack + Email)
  • 🆕 Trello integration now fetches labels for more granular Workflow control
  • 🆕 Emojis in incident channel topics dynamically change whenever the incident is mitigated 🟠 and resolved 🟢 instead of always showing 🔥
  • 🆕 Live refresh of Web UI, incident states are updated the second they are changed without needing to refresh
  • 💅 Workflows now display a warning message if the integration your Task is using has not been configured
  • 💅 Built even more redundancies across core services and platform for improved reliability as customer demand continues to scale
  • 💅 Polished UI on Slack for users that are running on a free trial
  • 💅 Revamped our internal on-call so we continue providing greater coverage for our customers
  • 💅 Workflow conditions default to One-Of instead of Is
  • 💅 Slack command /incident genius is rebranded to /incident workflows
  • 💅 Legacy genius command in help menu drop-down on Slack has been rebranded to Workflows
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where formatting incident events on status pages
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where duplicate resolved messages were sent on Slack briefly
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where if you reassigned a role that person was not notified or added to channel
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where adding timeline events UI in Web was hidden
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