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January 31, 2022


Incident Variables and Snippets

Incident Variables and Snippets

✂️ Incident Variables and Snippets

Incident variables such as {{ incident.severity }} are a way to quickly contextualize your communication without manual input.

We are excited to launch 100+ incident variables that span across Rootly and it's integrations (e.g. Jira, Google Doc, etc.).

They can be used in Workflows, incident title, postmortem templates, emails, and nearly everywhere in Rootly.

The use cases are endless, for example:

  • Summarize incident for leadership email {{ incident.summary }}
  • Rename Slack channel to align with Jira ticket number {{ incident.jira_issue_id }}
  • Indicate if incident Type is customer facing in postmortem title {{ incident.type }}
  • Send security team Slack message with incident channel link {{ incident.slack_channel_url }}

Incident variables and snippets are easily accessible via drop-down where available, no copy-paste required.

They are also dynamic in nature so you can set it and forget it.

🌝 New & Improved

  • 🆕 Integrations such as Jira and Confluence links are now displayed at the top of incidents on Web for easier access
  • 🆕 Mitigated and Resolved messages now get posted in incident channel, main incident notification channel, and in emails
  • 🆕 Ability to search for organization members in
  • 🆕 Total number of organizational members displayed now displayed
  • 💅 Invested in our backend infrastructure that makes editing content in Rootly snappier
  • 💅 Cleaned up native edit Postmortem UI
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where action items inside of Slack could not be marked as done
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where cookie consent over crowded the UI
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View Who’s On-Call

Pause & Snooze Reminders

Postmortem Renamed to Retrospective

Sentry Integration

Merge Duplicate Incidents

Global Audit Log

Atlassian Data Center Integration for Jira and Confluence

Auto Create Incidents from Jira

Sleuth Integration

Multi-Organization and Workspace Support


Rootly Rewind 2022

Trigger Workflow from Other Workflows

Send Threaded Slack Messages via Workflows

Autocomplete for Incident Variables

Playbook Tasks

Workflow Groups and Folders

Optionally Create Incident Slack Channels

Backfill and Import Past Incidents

Customizable Interactive Tutorials

Workflow Debugger

Required, Default, and Customizable Fields

Zapier Integration

Scheduled Maintenance

Branded Emails and Custom SMTP Server