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March 1, 2022


Incident Preview

Incident Preview

🔍 Incident Previews

The vast majority of customers have a global Slack #incident / #outages / #warroom channel.

This is where all incidents get posted for broader visibility.

At a quick glance, we are making it now even easier to know whether or not its important to various stakeholders.

  • Dynamic based on impact of incidents to avoid information overload (e.g. if no Service impacted then Service field won't display)
  • Shows any impact described at incident creation (e.g. SEV, Teams, Environments, etc.)
  • UI easily digestible to know if you should join the incident
  • Bold CTA guiding users to join incident channel if relevant

🌝 New & Improved

  • 🆕 Ability to duplicate Workflows for faster repetitive automations
  • 🆕 Custom date range filters instead of using defaults like Today, Last 7 Days, etc.
  • 🆕 Updates to the incident (via /incident update) now get posted as a thread instead of new message in channel for easier access and to reduce noise
  • 🆕 GCP added as 3rd party component in status pages
  • 🆕 Assigning roles from PagerDuty on-call rotation supports override policies
  • 🆕 Roles can now be assigned to the person creating the incident via Workflows
  • 🆕 Workflow task to Update Incident (e.g. if incident updated to Security then update visibility to Private)
  • 💅 If GitHub integration returns zero commits we still let you know there is 0 commits
  • 💅 GitHub repos in timeline are now hyperlinked for easier access
  • 💅 After your account is connected with Slack we redirect you back to Rootly
  • 💅 Continued infrastructure enhancements to how we handle our Slack slash commands
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where emails Workflow did not respect defined formatting
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where Google Meet Workflow task had a typo
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🕵️On-Call Schedule Owners & Gap Finder

Incident Variable Explorer Integration - Component & Template Support

Sandbox Environments

Rollbar Integration

Beautiful Incident Timeline Pages

Manage Workflows via API, Terraform, and Pulumi

Customizable Incident Metrics

Microsoft Teams Integration

Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO Integration

Backstage Integration

Linear Integration

Workflow Versioning

Incident Feedback

Retroactively Create Incidents and Modify Timestamps

Pulumi Provider for Rootly

Notion Integration


Custom Fields

Automatically Schedule Postmortem Reviews

Auto Create Incidents from Any Alert

Terraform Provider for Rootly

Get Support From Rootly in Slack

Bookmark Anything in Incident Slack Channel

Convert Existing Channels to Rootly Incidents