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January 26, 2024


⚡ Command Palette: Lightning Fast Navigation with a Single Keyboard Command

⚡ Command Palette: Lightning Fast Navigation with a Single Keyboard Command

⚡ Command Palette: Lightning Fast Navigation with a Single Keyboard Command

The Rootly web UI is neatly organized with a side panel of sections and pop-up menus outlining the contents of each page. But for even our most dedicated power users, memorizing every setting and feature within a robust UI is a tall order. That’s why we created the Command Palette—just press Command ⌘ + K to bring up a quick navigation portal that allows you to access any page in the Rootly web UI with a simple keyword search.

No more clicking around to figure out “Was that automation a workflow or a toggle setting?” or “Where do I go to edit Webhooks again?”. For new users, this means lack of familiarity with the UI won’t slow you down.

The Command Palette is also page aware—meaning it uses the page you’re on to order the results that make the most sense. For instance, if you’re on a specific incident’s page and you search for action items using a keyword, the Command Palette will pull results from that incident first.

Using ⌘+K searches across every part of Rootly, including your incidents, workflows, action items, integrations, and more. If it’s in the Rootly web UI, you can get to it from the Command Palette.

Happy searching!

🌝 New & Improved

🆕 Incident Title and Summary can now be edited directly in web UI, without having to first open the Edit Incident dialog.
🆕 Previously, when a Rootly resource is deleted and re-added, an UUID gets automatically appended to the slug value. Now, re-added Rootly resource slugs will remain consistent to their original slug value - simplifying custom mapping via Liquid variables.
💅 Enhanced search bar UX with visual in-progress indicator and auto search on deletion.
💅 Improved timestamp display on workflow runs to show times in both user-level and organization-level timezone settings.
🐛 Fixed inability to select a Slack User in Invite to Slack Channel workflow action for organizations that are integrated with Slack Enterprise Grid.
🐛 Fixed inability to de-select Ancestor page in Create Confluence Page workflow action.

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