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March 28, 2024


Update Custom Incident Fields Using Workflows

Update Custom Incident Fields Using Workflows

🛠️ Update Custom Incident Fields Using Workflows

The Workflow builder is a powerhouse of automation potential for Rootly users, allowing you to perform complex tasks on autopilot based on your chosen triggers and conditions. We’ve made these even more powerful by introducing the ability to use workflows to update custom fields in incidents. If you’re reading this thinking “What the heck does that mean?”, hang in there—we’ll show you.

💡 This is an advanced Workflow configuration. New to Workflows? Start here!

Custom Fields refer to any information you collect via Forms that is not included in Rootly by default. You can create them in the Configuration > Forms & Fields section of Rootly. Information input into custom fields can be found on the Incident page in the Details box. By adding custom fields to your forms, you can consistently intake the data that matters to you and include it in dashboards when you view incident metrics across your organization.

Now, workflows and custom fields—two of our most powerful configuration tools—have joined forces. You can create a workflow that updates a custom field based on a specific trigger, and you can initiate workflows from custom field inputs. This unlocks a massive amount of potential customization in automatically collecting and updating incident details via custom fields.

Here's a video walkthrough of the setup:

🌝 New & Improved

🆕 Options configured for services, functionalities, and teams can now be used by custom select and multi-select fields.
💅 Incident Causes field has now been added to both webhook payload and API response.
💅 Incidents can now be reverted back to In Triage status directly through Slack
🐛 Fixed intermittent issue with some users unable to declare incidents of a specific type via Slack.
🐛 Fixed issue with some organizations unable to download retrospectives.
🐛 Fixed issue with some organizations unable to set the Acknowledged At timestamp.
🐛 Fixed issue with being able to fetch Jira Issue Key by {{ action_item.jira_issue_key }}.

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