
New updates and improvements to Rootly

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✍️ Customize Your Wordbank for Automatic Incident Title Generation

When you leave the “Incident Title” field blank in the Incident Creation Form (web or Slack), Rootly will automatically generate a random title for you using our built-in wordbank. Now, you can add or remove words to the wordbank used to generate incident titles!

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✍️ Customize Your Wordbank for Automatic Incident Title Generation

🧠 Smart Defaults for Jira

Our Jira integration goes deeper than the other tools on the market. As we continue to evolve this crucial integration, it’s key that we keep ease of use at the forefront of our product philosophy—this is where Smart Defaults come in. They’re our recommended default settings that come enabled out of the box so you can start syncing with with Jira with minimal setup.

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🧠 Smart Defaults for Jira

🔌 The Rootly Plugin for Zendesk

Our new Zendesk plugin is a must-have for customer support teams wanting to improve the customer experience during incidents.

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🔌 The Rootly Plugin for Zendesk

🪄 Rootly Retrospectives

Rootly Retrospectives are configurable, customizable processes that allow you to define right-sized retrospectives based on severity, type, or teams involved in an incident.

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🪄 Rootly Retrospectives

⚡ Command Palette: Lightning Fast Navigation with a Single Keyboard Command

Search and navigate across every part of the Rootly Web UI with a single keyboard command.

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⚡ Command Palette: Lightning Fast Navigation with a Single Keyboard Command

Rootly Terraformer: Seamlessly Bring Workflows From Rootly’s UI to Terraform

Introducing: Rootly Terraformer—a CLI tool that auto-generate Terraform files (.tf) from your Rootly configurations. It’s installed directly through CLI via Homebrew.

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Rootly Terraformer: Seamlessly Bring Workflows From Rootly’s UI to Terraform